The LaTeX sources of my Ph.D. thesis
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few-shot problem.tex (576B)

      1 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\,}l@{}}
      2 	\toprule
      3 	\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\strong{Query:}} \\
      4 	& It flows into the \utail{Hörsel} in \uhead{Eisenach}. \\
      5 	\midrule
      6 	\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\strong{Candidates:}} \\
      7 	& It is remake of \utail{Hindi} film ``\uhead{Tezaab}''. \\
      8 	& \uhead{Cynidr} was the son of St \utail{Gwladys}. \\
      9 	\(\rightarrow\) & \uhead{Herron Island} lies in \utail{Case Inlet}. \\
     10 	& He gained the support of \utail{Admiral} \uhead{Edward Russell}. \\
     11 	& \uhead{\textsc{ngc} 271} is a spiral galaxy in the constellation \utail{Cetus}. \\
     12 	\bottomrule
     13 \end{tabular}